Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events
January 3, 2013 - Regular Meeting
at the Pacific Unitarian Church
7:30 pm

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


In September 2001, Lillian Light started the Environmental Priorities Network in association with the South Coast Interfaith Council.

EPN is open and available to everyone both as a place to bring important issues to light and gain valuable information about issues of which people may not already be aware.

It has been my personal experience that I have the best and most stimulating conversations of the month during the EPN meeting.

The goal of EPN is to join forces with organizations that are similarly focused to work towards positive changes in our local, national, and global natural environments.  This is done through education events and the promotion of policy changes and environmental protection. 

Everything each of us does, both positive and negative, affects everyone else.  We must all work together to preserve and conserve our natural resources.

Please join us and contribute to our organization by educating us!

Erin Wallace

Welcome to our new site!

Welcome all EPN members and budding environmentalists to our new site!  We have officially joined blogger.com and are hoping it becomes a great new home for us.

For those of you unfamiliar with our group, an introduction will follow this post.

For those of you very familiar with our group, I'm glad you've found us and I am sure you will be participating with us in this new endeavor.

We are starting this site as a blog because we are hoping to use the expertise of our own members to inform, educate, and start a dialog with the public about important issues relating to the preservation and conservation of natural resources.  So, if you'd like to write a post, please let us know!  We'd love to have you!